Accessibility Tool

Support Tickets

  1. Marcus will assign a Jira ticket to you.
  2. EDU Support tickets take priority over builds similar to production changes. Place your build/design on waiting-televox if you have to pause work to complete a ticket or revisions.
  3. Read the ticket carefully and examine any attached resources. BEFORE MARKING IN PROGRESS
    • a. If the ticket is worded poorly, or does not contain the correct information, links, resources etc:
  4. If the ticket contains everything you need to get started you will most likely need to reach out to Marcus or a colleague to create a Presence login on that server for you. Unlike Healthcare Education has a total of 19 different Presence servers and it is random what site is on what server. I highly suggest trying to keep your usernames and passwords the same on all 19 of these servers and our 1 healthcare server.
  5. Mark the ticket “In Progress”
  6. When you have finished the ticket tasks you are to keep it “In Progress” and add a comment tagging Shai Cramer-Hussey or Ali Motavalli. You are also to message this individual on slack after you create the comment. two
  7. Once Shai or Ali comments back on the ticket with revisions you are to continue this cycle of commenting, tagging, and messaging them on slack.
  8. Once Shai or Ali comments that no changes are needed and work is completed you are to move this ticket to the “Done” status

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