Accessibility Tool


Quick Links:
Setting Author Permissions on Gallery Portlets
Setting Up Groups for Password Protected Pages

Setting Permission to View Website as a Guest

  1. Go to "Site Admin" in the administration bar at the top of the page and select "Site Permissions"

  2. Click the little plus sign box next to "*Site name* Browsers" and then click the "Add" button.

  3. In the right side "Users" box, select the user "Guest", click the "Add" button and then select "OK".

Note: It may take a few minutes for these changes to propagate.

  1. Click the "Gallery Security" button on the photo gallery.

  2. Click the little plus sign next to "Photo Gallery Authors" then click the "Add" button.

  3. In the right side "Users" box, select the author that you want to have permissions to edit the gallery. Click the "Add" button, then "OK".

Setting Up Groups for Password Protected Pages

  1. Click the System Administration button in the top left of the page.

  2. Under "General Administration" click on "Manage Groups and Roles"

  3. Click on the "+ Add Group" link

  4. Enter the Group Name and Group Name Singluar (they can be the same) and then click the "Add Group" button

  5. Now click on your newly added group

  6. Click on the "Group Members" tab

  7. Click the "+ Choose User/Group" link

  8. In the right side "Users" box, select all the members you want to be included in the group. Then click the "Add" button and then "OK"

  9. Your group has been set up, so now navigate to the page that needs to be password protected.

  10. Go to "Page Options" in the administration bar and then "Page Permissions"

  11. Uncheck the inherit permissions check box, then click on the "Add" button under the "Permissions Granted To" section.

  12. In the left side "Groups" box, select the group that you want to be able to view the page. Click the "Add" button and then "OK"

The page should now show a login page for anyone who is not in the group (or an administrator).

Note: These changes can take a few minutes to propagate.

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