Accessibility Tool


This render template displays ten news items representing the latest articles of a specified set of pages. Each news item is wrapped in a link tag and contains a title, featured image, and "Read this article" box.

For a complete list of best practices, visit the main portlet page: News/Blog

HTML Structure

<div id="homeNewsWrapper" class="row thumbnails">
	<div class="newsList">
		<a href="" class="newsItem">
			<div class="inside">
				<div class="image">
					<div class="inside">
						<img src="theme/news/news1.jpg" alt="" />
				<div class="newsContent">
						<div class="newsTitle">
						<h3>Article Title</h3>
						<div class="readMore">
							<span>Read this article</span>
							<span class="offscreen">Read more about (insert title here)</span>

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