Accessibility Tool


This feature consists of an image wrapped in a link and a lightbox pop-up container. The lightbox pop-up also has two containers: one for the image and another for the caption. The caption contains a heading and a rich text area. The pop-up will generate a "close" button and forward/next controls.

For a complete list of best practices, visit the main portlet page: Features

HTML Structure

<div class="featureWrapper lightbox">
	<div class="feature">
		<a class="gallery" href="#gallery-1">
			<img src="theme/features/feature1.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="lightbox-popup" id="gallery-1">
			<div class="image">
				<img src="theme/features/feature1.jpg" alt="" />
			<div class="caption">
				<h2>Feature Title</h2> 
            	                <!-- Rich text. This is the ONLY area where text elements may be added/edited. --> 
      			        <p>Feature content</p>
				<!-- End rich text -->
	<!-- End feature -->
	<!-- Copy/paste div.feature and contents for more features of the same type -->
<!-- End featureWrapper -->

<!-- The following are part of the render template therefore cannot be altered. Include these files in the <head> OR at the bottom just before </body>) -->

<link href="//" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="//" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="//" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">//</script>
<script src="//" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">//</script>

			previousIcon: 'Previous',
			nextIcon: 'Next',
			galleryFadeIn: 200,
			galleryFadeOut: 300

Default Styling

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