Accessibility Tool

Photo Gallery

This portlet displays a gallery of photo albums that can display as thumbnails or slideshows.

  • Each album has a name, description, and cover photo
  • Minimal CSS styling

Implementing a Photo Gallery

  1. Click the "Collaboration" tab and drag a "Photo Gallery" portlet onto the page.

  2. Click the "+ Add Album" button.

  3. Click the "Add Files" button and you will be prompted to browse your computer for photos.

  4. Once you've selected your photos, click "Start Upload"

  5. Now you can enter an Album Title and an Album Description (optional). Click Save.

  6. Click the Display Settings button to set up the gallery to display as a slideshow.

  7. Select "Slideshow Display". Set the Transition Style to "Fade". Check "Show Controls". Adjust transition speed if necessary. Click Save.

Click here to see information on setting author permissions on the photo gallery portlet.

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