Accessibility Tool

Olympus Guidelines


  • If their logo is too tall, it will affect the amount of menu items they can have as the logo will push them down. 
  • Ideal logo dimensions: 300 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall

Utility Navigation:

  • Is the search bar removable? It can be removed but we cannot replace it with anything else. It only conducts a search within the website, not all of the internet.
  • Is there a min/max to how many the client can have? 0 minimum, 4 maximum. If the client wants to substitute any of the topics shown on the demo site with something else, they can but it can’t be anything with a long title. Also, no addresses can go in the utility nav.  
  • If you stray from the topics listed on the demo site, you will need to specify what icon you would like to coincide with the topic you add. Refer to the available icons listed in the Neverland guidelines above.

Main Menu:

  • 6 menu items max. Character limit is about what you see on the demo site – no long titles.

Photo Banner Area:

  • Text can be customized but the character limit is what you see on the demo site: three small words above two larger words.
  • Only one photo is allowed in this area – no slideshow option.
  • There can be no links to interior pages or external sites in this area.
  • Trisha loaded a few stock photo options into the library within the CMS, or the client can choose one of their own photos (suggested width is 1920 pixels). The blurred overlay effect will remain, regardless of what photo they add.  

Call Outs at the bottom of Photo Area:

  • Is there a min/max to how many the client can have? 2 minimum, 3 maximum.
  • What are the default topics going to be? Whatever topics the client wants.
  • There is a generic title to the left of these call outs – if you want a different title you will need to specify that on the blueprint.

Welcome Text:

  • Character limit is about what you see on the demo site.
  • Photo behind/to the right of the welcome text can be swapped out with whatever photo the client would like. Client should keep in mind the orientation of the photo they choose – subject matter needs to be on the right side of the image so that the welcome text overlay does not cover it.

Calendar/Call Out Area Under Welcome Text:

  • They can have the calendar or the call outs – not both. OB should ask the client if they would like a calendar and will be maintaining it with up to date events, etc. Or, if they would prefer more call outs.
  • If they choose the calendar, the amount of events that are displayed will depend on how many they have loaded into their calendar (within the site or a third party internet calendar like Google or iCal, etc.) - but 5 will be the max as you see on the demo site.
  • If they choose the call outs, the minimum is 3 and the maximum is 5.
    • Also, the icons can be changed to photos of their choice.

*To view these options, click here:

Features under Calendar/Call Outs Area:

  • They can have the option with one feature area (plus the small blue bar below), or the option with two feature areas side by side – not both. OB should ask the client if they want more space to elaborate on one topic or a smaller area to cover two topics.
  • The photos beside/behind the features can be changed to whatever photos the client wants. Of course keeping in mind that some of the photos will be partially covered by the boxes/text. For instance, photos of groups of people are not a good fit for these boxes. Also, these are not ideal for important topics like “Meet the Doctor” as the face will likely get cut off to some degree. The photos should be of something generic that won’t matter if it’s partially cut off.
  • Character limit is about what you see on the demo site. The “Feature Title Text” has to remain but the “Slightly more detailed subtitle text” is optional. You will need to notate what text you want on the Blueprint so that CW can prepare text accordingly.

*To view these options, click here:

Features/News Summary/Blog Area:

  • They can choose one of these or neither. Four features/articles is the amount they can have. No more, no less.
  • The character limits are about what you see on the demo site. 
  • If they choose the News Summary/Blog option, the thumbnail photos will come from the actual entry on the interior page. They must have at least 4 entries for this option to work.

*To view these options, click here:

Testimonials/Links and Logos Area:

  • They can choose one of these or neither.
  • If they choose Testimonials, the minimum is 3 and the maximum is 10.
  • If they choose Links and Logos, the minimum is 2 and the maximum is 8.

*To view these options, click here:


  • If they have 1 or 2 locations, the middle column of the footer will appear as you see it on the demo site.
  • If they have 3 or more locations, the office hours will be replaced with the additional location information. The office hours will be listed on the interior right side panel.
    • If any client, regardless of amount of locations, would like to remove the office hours from the footer they can. It will merely push the middle location column over to the right some.
    • If they have two locations and want both sets of hours to appear on the right side of the interior pages, they can use the “Emergencies” area (as seen on the demo site) for the second set of hours.
  • There is generic text for the left side of the footer. If you would like custom text you need to specify that on the blueprint. Also, please notify the client that they cannot edit this text themselves once the site is built. So unless they purchased the support package, they need to ensure whatever text they want added is something they can live with for the life of the site.


  • While it’s not something we advertise, from time to time management will allow a Starter client to switch from one color scheme or font package to another as a one-time courtesy. Your first line of defense should always be that we built the site based on the color scheme/fonts the client chose and signed off on. If a client is adamant about switching to a different color scheme or font package:

*Any requests outside of these guidelines will need to be approved by management. However, we really should not stray from these guidelines since these are Starter packages. Your first line of defense should always be to educate the client on what the Starter package includes and the guidelines surrounding them.

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