Accessibility Tool

Atlantis Guidelines


  • If the client’s logo is too tall or wide, it will affect the way the header looks. 
  • Ideal logo dimensions: 500 pixels wide by 250 pixels tall
  • If the client would like their logo centered instead of left aligned, we can accommodate that on this layout.
    • If a client chooses to move the logo to the center, they will have to forego the address(es) in the header area (or any other information). The header will ONLY include the centered logo. Nothing else. We cannot add anything to the right or left of the logo.

Utility Navigation:

  • Is the search bar removable? It can be removed but we cannot replace it with anything else. It only conducts a search within the website, not all of the internet.
  • Is there a min/max to how many the client can have? 0 minimum, 4 maximum. If the client wants to substitute any of the topics shown on the demo site with something else, they can but it can’t be anything with a long title. Also, no addresses can go in the utility nav.  
  • If you stray from the topics listed on the demo site, you will need to specify what icon you would like to coincide with the topic you add. Refer to the available icons listed in the Neverland guidelines above.

Header Locations:

  • These are hard coded and not pulled from the registration so please be sure the address(es) is spelled correctly on the Blueprint.
  • The look of this area depends on how many locations they have. Two locations or less: both addresses will be stacked on the right side of the header. Three or more locations: the primary location will be listed and then something generic under that: “Four convenient locations in the Greater Bay Area” with a link to the map and directions page. Similar to the Neverland rules for locations in header.
  • The client cannot substitute another option in this area – the address must go on the right side of the header. 

Main Menu:

  • 9 menu items max.
    • However, if the menu titles are longer, we may not be able to fit 9. OnBoarder/Tech will have to use their best judgement based on the length of the titles.

Photo Banner Area:

  • Text on bottom of photos can be customized but the character limit is what you see on the demo site: basically a short sentence. Or, we can remove the text bar.
  • Client can choose their own photos if they like.

Call Outs to the right of header photo:

  • Title text (How may we help you today?) can be changed, but character limit is basically what you see on the demo site. This area can also house an image or a logo.
  • Is there a min/max to how many the client can have? 2 minimum, 3 maximum.
  • What are the default topics going to be? Whatever topics the client wants.

Welcome text area:

  • Welcome text will be on the left, but they have two options for the right side:
    • Calendar/Events section. If they choose this option, the amount of events that are displayed will depend on how many they have loaded into their calendar (within the site or a third party internet calendar like Google or iCal, etc.) - but 5 will be the max as you see on the demo site.
    • Feature section. If they choose this option the min is 1 and the max is 4. There can only be icons next to the text, no photos (Refer to the available icons listed in the Neverland guidelines above). They can have any combination of the following:
      • A testimonial (see first feature on this area of demo site)
      • A feature about any topic (see second feature on this area of demo site)
      • A small bulleted list of topics (see third feature on this area of demo site)
      • Office Hours (not shown on demo site)

Blog/Feature Section below Welcome Text:

  • They can have the blog option or the features, but not both.
  • If they choose the blog option they can have 2 minimum, 4 maximum.
    • Text and images are pulled from the actual blog entries on the blog page within their site.
    • Client has to have at least 2 entries on their blog in order for this option to work
  • If they choose the feature option they can have 2 minimum, 4 maximum. Any topics they want.
    • Client can choose their own photos to replace the stock images, but they have to fit in the boxes. We should not offer to let the client choose different stock photos.


  • Locations/addresses will stack as seen on demo site.
  • Phone numbers in footer are not click to call, but the ones in the header are.

Social bar that is sticky on right side:

  • Will only show social media they use. If they do not use any social media, no icons will show.


  • While it’s not something we advertise, from time to time management will allow a Starter client to switch from one color scheme or font package to another as a one-time courtesy. Your first line of defense should always be that we built the site based on the color scheme/fonts the client chose and signed off on. If a client is adamant about switching to a different color scheme or font package:

*Any requests outside of these guidelines will need to be approved by management. However, we really should not stray from these guidelines since these are Starter packages. Your first line of defense should always be to educate the client on what the Starter package includes and the guidelines surrounding them.

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