Accessibility Tool



Note: Never link jQuery on a Presence website as it is already built into the system and will cause conflicts.

<script src="/common/resources/DesignPortfolio/televox/CommonLib/scripts/televox-essential-v5.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  • Adds the class "home" to the body (useful for when we need to target an element on the home page only)
  • Adds the main menu links to the footer
  • Adds a prompt for the Presence survey (Temporary band-aid fix)
  • Fix for Presence breadcrumb "portal:80" error
  • Adds utility navigation items to mobile menu
  • Converts phone numbers in footer to click to call links

<script src="/common/resources/DesignPortfolio/televox/CommonLib/scripts/televox-script-v1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  • Adds code for back to top button
  • Detects whether new or old toolbar is being used
  • Dear Doctor Fancybox and Dear Doctor CSS
  • Opens off-site links in a new window
  • Removes target="_blank" from links that start with http://domainname (the main navigation was adding target="_blank" to menu items when on a form page)
  • Adds code for favicon


<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="/common/resources/designportfolio/televox/CommonLib/stylesheets/jumpLink.css" />

This is one file that is present on every site so it is used for any global fixes that need to be made including:

  • Jump links (Anchor links)
  • Styling for back to top button
  • Footer email addresses hidden by default
  • Styling the outline of primary navigation items on focus for ADA
  • Fix for pointers on slideshow scroll arrows
  • Adjust margins and max-widths on Dear Doctor photos
  • Fix to make numbered lists in content display numerical values

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="/Common/resources/DesignPortfolio/televox/CommonLib/stylesheets/televoxEssential.css" />

  • Contains imports for the Angie's List social navigation button CSS and Form Styling CSS
  • Hiding Google Ads for Custom Google Search Bar results
  • Content image floats (left, right)
  • Styling to make map text black by default
  • Styling for Doctor Reviews iframe
  • Hiding empty list items in social navigation
  • Setting up breakpoint where mobile menu will begin to display

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